Cross My Mind,

Pattern Help

The cross stitches pattern can be a little difficult to decipher with only the written word. You will find below a step by step visual guide. Please note, it would be very helpful to work a swatch to practise this stitch. 

This is what the triple wrapped stitches look like before you unwrap it them to process the crossed stitches.

Unwrap 8 stitches, letting them elongate on the needle.

8 stitches unwrapped

Insert left needle through the front of the last 4 stitches on the right needle...

Lift the last 4 stitches up and over the first four stitches on the right needle and on to the left needle.

Notice how the elongated stitches have been crossed: the stitches have been passed through the other stitches.

Slip the remaining elongated stitches back onto the left needle. You have completed the crossing process...

Begin knitting the now processed stitches, just as you would normally.

Continue knitting the processed stitches, the is image shows 4 knitted crossed stitches.

Continue knitting the processed stitches, the is image shows the last stitch being worked.

All stitches worked in the crossed stitch motif.

If you tug slightly the base of the stitches, it straights out. This is what your crossed stitches will look like worked: it should look like this on the other side as well.

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